Based on the advantages of AI visual algorithm, a series of industry algorithms are introduced to realize the comprehensive supervision and control of "safety, quality, environment and efficiency" in the construction process.
  • Worksurface progress recognition
    Worksurface progress recognition
    AI recognizes the process steps in the operation area, automatically analyzes the construction progress, and realizes the dynamic control of the project progress.
  • Safety helmet wear recognition
    Safety helmet wear recognition
    Recognize whether the workers wear safety helmets, and at the same time, the on-site acousto-optic alarm horn can remind workers to put safety helmets on.
  • Reflect vest recognition
    Reflect vest recognition
    Recognize whether the workers are wearing reflect vest, and at the same time, the sound and light alarm horn will give a voice prompt to wear reflect vest.
  • Fire recognition
    Fire recognition
    Effectively recognize the fire point in the construction site, the system generates alarm information, and at the same time, the sound and light alarm horn will give a voice warning on the spot.
  • Elevator number recognition
    Elevator number recognition
    Recognize the number of workers in the elevator. When the number of workers exceeds the limit, the acousto-optic alarm horn will give an alarm prompt, and at the same time capture the picture and send it to the platform.
  • Bare soil cover recognition
    Bare soil cover recognition
    Real-time monitoring is carried out on the exposed loess covering state of the construction site, and data such as coverage rate are returned to the platform end.
  • Unwashed dirt truck recognition
    Unwashed dirt truck recognition
    Recognize muckdirt trucks moving throughmoving through the entrance and exit of the construction site and capture whether to wash them; The algorithm can automatically realize the manual washing and washing table, and can also prepare to recognize the work situation at night.
  • Vehicle closed transportation recognition
    Vehicle closed transportation recognition
    Real-time monitoring of the roof coverage status of dirt vehicles moving through the entrance and exit of the construction site, and returning pictures and other data to the platform.
  • Dripped or spilled dirt truck recognition
    Dripped or spilled dirt truck recognition
    Recognize and detect whether there is dripping mud and bare soil when vehicles such as concrete mixer and muck truck drive out of the construction site.
  • Danger area recognition
    Danger area recognition
    When a person approaches the designated dangerous area, the system will automatically recognize it, meanwhilethe sound and light alarm horn will give a voice warning on the spot.
  • Morning meeting disclosure recognition
    Morning meeting disclosure recognition
    Recognize whether the site holds regular safety meetings on time every day, and the video of the regular meetings will be automatically obtained and transmitted to the platform.
  • Enclosure spray recognition
    Enclosure spray recognition
    Automatically recognize whether the sprinkler system installed on the enclosure of the construction site works normally. Return the data of daily working times to the platform.